Which Books Should I Study for BITSAT; JEE Main; JEE Advanced Examinations ?

Dear Students and Parents;

This is probably the very first question that crosses the mind of every one, when one decides to start preparing for these exams. Thereafter, by doing a google search; talking with teachers; with friends; etc. one draws up a comprehensive list of books required for each subject; each topic; each sub-topic; and soon there will be a list of 15 to 20 books for each subject. Now the dilemma starts, which books should I buy? We may buy a few to start with. Soon fear creeps in, that we do not have some books which were shortlisted and probably some which other friends, students are studying. So we start buying them as well. Soon one may need a complete bookshelf (or more) to store these books.

As a parent, I was a victim of this approach during 2011-2012 in a big way. Over the last 4 years, however, having analysed the various exams question papers (Class XII CBSE Boards; JEE Mains; BITSAT; JEE Advanced), I have created a crisp shortlist of books for each subject. Also, arranged the same in levels. Picture below.

BITSAT - Books List

If a student meticulously and thoroughly studies these books, level after level, for each topic, he or she can achieve success in all the exams. OK, what is the definition of this success? My definition of the same, provided the student is very sincerely doing these, is as follows:

  • My Assumption: In Classes IX and X, one would have read the books mentioned in Level 0. If YES, then these still have to be used for reference. If NO, one has to start reading these books along with Level 1 books
  • CBSE Class XII Boards – Thorough (3 to 4 rounds of reading and solving all exercises) with Level 1 books + 5 to 7 mock tests for each subject, fetches 90% + marks!
  • BITSAT – Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + 15 mock tests of full syllabus, fetches 340+ score on 450!
  • JEE Mains – Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + 15 mock tests of full syllabus using past year papers, fetches 234+ score on 360!
  • JEE Advanced – (A different challenge altogether!!) Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + Selective studies from Level 4 Books for specific topics + 25 mock tests of full syllabus using past year papers, fetches 50% marks
  • JEE Advanced – (If one has to cross 60% Marks). In addition to what is mentioned in the point above, the level 3 and level 4 books have to be thoroughly completed

Once the Syllabus is completed, one needs to start off doing full length Practice Tests based on Full Syllabus.

For the convenience of all of you, I have arranged the books along with the links from where you can possibly purchase these, in the table below. You can click on the book listed in the table below and you would be able to go and purchase the same.

Please do use these links to make your purchases. {Also, please check for the latest editions of the book, if available.}





Level 0 1. Science for Ninth Class Part 1 Physics – S Chand

2. Science for Tenth Class Part 1 Physics – S Chand

3. Foundation Science Physics for Class – 9 by H C Verma

4. Foundation Science Physics for Class – 10 by H C Verma

1. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 9

2. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 10

1. Science for Ninth Class Part 1 Chemistry – S Chand

2. Science for Tenth Class Part 2 Chemistry – S Chand

3.Foundation Science Chemistry for Class – 9 by A K Singh

4. Foundation Science Chemistry for Class – 10 by A K Singh

Level 1 1. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions Physics – Class 11

2. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Physics

1. NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions Mathematics class 11

2. Chapter-wise NCERT + Exemplar + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Mathematics

1. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions Chemistry – Class 11

2. Chapter-wise NCERT + Exemplar + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry

Level 2 1. Concept of Physics Part-1 by H C Verma

2. Concept of Physics Part-2 by H C Verma 

1. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 11

2. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 12 (Vol I and II)

1. Chemistry Part I – Class XI

2. Chemistry Part II – Class XI

3. Chemistry Part I & II Class 12

Level 3 Respective Coaching Classes books in which you are enrolled




Level 4 1. Understanding Physics Series (Set of 5 Books) – D C Pandey


1. Problems Plus In IIT Mathematics – A Das Gupta

2. Cengage JEE Advanced Maths for 2021 – Set of 5 Books

3. Comprehensive Mathematics: JEE Advanced 2020

 {Take One Book out of these maths books  and try to complete it twice}

1. Problems in Physical Chemistry for JEE Mains and Advanced – Narendra Awasthi

2. Wiley’s J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced) 2020

3. Wiley’s Solomons & Fryhle’s Organic Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced)

Best Wishes to all of you for your Studies and Examinations!