BITS Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad Cutoffs data 2020 – 2023

BITS Pilani have now released the cutoff scores for admissions to various branches from the admissions done in the year 2023. Admissions are based on the marks scored in the BITSAT 2023 exam.

The tables below show the cutoff scores from 2020 to 2023 for the three campuses, Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad. 

BITSAT Exam till 2021 was for 450 marks.

From 2022 onwards, the BITSAT exam has been slightly modified and is now for 390 marks instead of 450 marks.

So, in the tables below, the percentage data is shown along with the raw scores as well. Please refer the percentage columns to compare the cutoff trends over the years for each branch.

BITS Pilani - BITSAT 2020-2023 Cutoffs

BITS Goa - BITSAT 2020-2023 Cutoffs

BITS Hyderabad - BITSAT 2020-2023 Cutoffs

For the BITSAT statistics and the exam details, please refer to my earlier post:

BITSAT Statistics & Cutoffs data, for BITSAT – 2023; 2024 Study Strategy

Best Wishes to All BITSAT 2024 Aspirants.


BITSAT Statistics & Cutoffs data, for BITSAT – 2023; 2024 Study Strategy

See the latest post for the Cutoffs data from 2019 to 2022: BITS Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad Cutoffs data 2019 – 2022


BITS Pilani is known for its flexible academic policy, continuous evaluation system and above all the unique “Practice School” Program.

For securing Admissions to the Integrated First Degree Programmes, of BITS Pilani Campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad one has to write an admission test – BITSAT.

All the details about BITSAT test and admissions thereafter, can be obtained from the BITS, Pilani’s Admissions Website.

BITSAT is a Computer based online test. Each session of BITSAT will be of total 3 hours duration (without any breaks). There will be 130 questions in all. BITSAT has changed from 150 questions pattern (450 Marks Exam) to 130 questions pattern (390 Marks Exam) in 2022.

The test still comprises of 4 parts though:

  1. Part I – Physics (30 Questions)
  2. Part II – Chemistry (30 Questions)
  3. Part III – (a) English Proficiency (10 Questions) and 
      •        (b) Logical Reasoning (20 Questions)
  4. Part IV – Mathematics or Biology (for B. Pharm candidates) (40 Questions)

Syllabus for the BITSAT test will be, NCERT syllabus for 11th and 12th class. The detailed syllabus is given in the Annexure of their BITSAT – Information  Brochure.

To create a study strategy for BITSAT, one needs to know the previous exams Statistics and the Cut-Offs for admissions to various programs that the three campuses offer. Some data pertaining to this is available on the BITS Admission Website. 

For your quick reference, I have summarized this data in the following tables.

BITSAT Statistics from 2012 to 2021 (Total Marks out of 450) in the table below. Both BITSAT Score and Percentage are shown.

BITSAT Statistics - 2012 to 2021

BITSAT Statistics from 2022 (Total Marks out of 390) in the table below. Both BITSAT Score and Percentage are shown again.

BITSAT Statistics - 2022

BITS have not released the cutoff scores for the years 2021 and 2022. The tables below show the cutoff scores from 2017 to 2020 for the three campuses. The 2020 scores have been converted to percentages as well.

The percentage data from the statistics tables above, can be used to compare with the percentage data in the cutoff scores tables below.

Based on which branch and in which campus one wants to join, one can set a target score using this comparison.

BITS Pilani - BITSAT 2017-2020 Cutoffs

BITS Goa - BITSAT 2017-2020 Cutoffs

BITS Hyderabad - BITSAT 2017-2020 Cutoffs

Decide on a Target Campus or Decide on a Target Branch first. That leads to a Target score to achieve. Then the study strategy should be aligned to achieve this Target Score.

Best Wishes to All BITS Aspirants.


BITS Admissions 2020 – BITSAT Statistics Summary

BITSAT 2020 examination schedule is now complete. Admissions application process is currently underway.

BITS have released the official statistics for the year 2020. The same have been updated in the table below. (Updated on 29th Sep 2020)

BITSAT statistics (2019 statistics were not released by BITS) from 2012 to 2020 are summarized in the tables  below for your ready reference.

BITSAT 2020 + Past Statistics

Best Wishes to all aspirants for the BITSAT 2021, 2022.



Which Books Should I Study for BITSAT; JEE Main; JEE Advanced Examinations ?

Dear Students and Parents;

This is probably the very first question that crosses the mind of every one, when one decides to start preparing for these exams. Thereafter, by doing a google search; talking with teachers; with friends; etc. one draws up a comprehensive list of books required for each subject; each topic; each sub-topic; and soon there will be a list of 15 to 20 books for each subject. Now the dilemma starts, which books should I buy? We may buy a few to start with. Soon fear creeps in, that we do not have some books which were shortlisted and probably some which other friends, students are studying. So we start buying them as well. Soon one may need a complete bookshelf (or more) to store these books.

As a parent, I was a victim of this approach during 2011-2012 in a big way. Over the last 4 years, however, having analysed the various exams question papers (Class XII CBSE Boards; JEE Mains; BITSAT; JEE Advanced), I have created a crisp shortlist of books for each subject. Also, arranged the same in levels. Picture below.

BITSAT - Books List

If a student meticulously and thoroughly studies these books, level after level, for each topic, he or she can achieve success in all the exams. OK, what is the definition of this success? My definition of the same, provided the student is very sincerely doing these, is as follows:

  • My Assumption: In Classes IX and X, one would have read the books mentioned in Level 0. If YES, then these still have to be used for reference. If NO, one has to start reading these books along with Level 1 books
  • CBSE Class XII Boards – Thorough (3 to 4 rounds of reading and solving all exercises) with Level 1 books + 5 to 7 mock tests for each subject, fetches 90% + marks!
  • BITSAT – Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + 15 mock tests of full syllabus, fetches 340+ score on 450!
  • JEE Mains – Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + 15 mock tests of full syllabus using past year papers, fetches 234+ score on 360!
  • JEE Advanced – (A different challenge altogether!!) Thorough with Level 0, 1, 2 books + Exercises of Level 3 Books + Selective studies from Level 4 Books for specific topics + 25 mock tests of full syllabus using past year papers, fetches 50% marks
  • JEE Advanced – (If one has to cross 60% Marks). In addition to what is mentioned in the point above, the level 3 and level 4 books have to be thoroughly completed

Once the Syllabus is completed, one needs to start off doing full length Practice Tests based on Full Syllabus.

For the convenience of all of you, I have arranged the books along with the links from where you can possibly purchase these, in the table below. You can click on the book listed in the table below and you would be able to go and purchase the same.

Please do use these links to make your purchases. {Also, please check for the latest editions of the book, if available.}





Level 0 1. Science for Ninth Class Part 1 Physics – S Chand

2. Science for Tenth Class Part 1 Physics – S Chand

3. Foundation Science Physics for Class – 9 by H C Verma

4. Foundation Science Physics for Class – 10 by H C Verma

1. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 9

2. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 10

1. Science for Ninth Class Part 1 Chemistry – S Chand

2. Science for Tenth Class Part 2 Chemistry – S Chand

3.Foundation Science Chemistry for Class – 9 by A K Singh

4. Foundation Science Chemistry for Class – 10 by A K Singh

Level 1 1. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions Physics – Class 11

2. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Physics

1. NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions Mathematics class 11

2. Chapter-wise NCERT + Exemplar + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Mathematics

1. NCERT Exercises + Exemplar Solutions Chemistry – Class 11

2. Chapter-wise NCERT + Exemplar + Past 12 Years Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry

Level 2 1. Concept of Physics Part-1 by H C Verma

2. Concept of Physics Part-2 by H C Verma 

1. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 11

2. R D Sharma Mathematics Class – 12 (Vol I and II)

1. Chemistry Part I – Class XI

2. Chemistry Part II – Class XI

3. Chemistry Part I & II Class 12

Level 3 Respective Coaching Classes books in which you are enrolled




Level 4 1. Understanding Physics Series (Set of 5 Books) – D C Pandey


1. Problems Plus In IIT Mathematics – A Das Gupta

2. Cengage JEE Advanced Maths for 2021 – Set of 5 Books

3. Comprehensive Mathematics: JEE Advanced 2020

 {Take One Book out of these maths books  and try to complete it twice}

1. Problems in Physical Chemistry for JEE Mains and Advanced – Narendra Awasthi

2. Wiley’s J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced) 2020

3. Wiley’s Solomons & Fryhle’s Organic Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced)

Best Wishes to all of you for your Studies and Examinations!


BITSAT 2018 – Study Planning

BITSAT 2018 Online tests, are from 16th May – 31st May 2018.

All students preparing for BITSAT as their Primary exam have a good 65 days (if exam on 16th May) to 80 days (if exam on 30th May) time with you to do some real serious studies/revision/mock tests.

BITSAT Test will be conducted on the basis of NCERT syllabus for 11th and 12th class. For detailed syllabus please refer the Brochure for BITSAT 2018.

Preparation Strategy

For Students whose primary focus is BITSAT

  • Please go through the Syllabus of BITSAT carefully and make a study plan based on
    1. Topics, I have studied thoroughly
    2. Topics, I have to Revise
    3. Topics, I have to study for the first time
  • Once the topics list is ready, prepare a weekly plan with targets of topics to be completed. Topic wise mock tests have to be planned. You can use the resources mentioned in this post below
  • One has to thoroughly cover the Class XI and XII NCERT text books, Exemplar Books for studying for BITSAT
  • While all of you may have many other textbooks for each subject and are studying the same, please ensure that you include the following books as well in your study routine
        1. The Preparation guide for Online BITSAT 2018 by Arihant Publishers (Prep Guide to BITSAT 2018), is a good comprehensive book for the core subjects of Maths, Physics and Chemistry. One has to practice doing all the mock tests in two and half hours’ time rather than three hours. This will make one ready in the exam to go after the Bonus Questions round.
        2. If time permits, one can also use the mock tests from the Disha Publications book (BITSAT 13 Years Topic-Wise Solved Papers (2017-2005) with 5 Online Mock Tests ).
        3. 25 English and Logical Reasoning questions on the exam actually would be the easiest of the 150 questions. If one is good with their English and Logical Reasoning skills through the schooling days, these 25 questions would be in your pocket. However, do not be over confident. Try to use a book like the one published by Disha Publications (Guide to English & Logical Reasoning for BITSAT) for practicing English and Logical Reasoning questions.

Exam Taking Strategy

Please take a look at the BITSAT statistics given at the following link. BITSAT Score Analysis. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of students scoring more than 300 marks has gone up from around 4100 to 9290. This has led to the cut-offs going up each year across all branches in all 3 BITS institutes. However, during 2017 as the number of seats have been increased in all campuses, the cut-offs have come down. The latest cut-offs of 2017 admissions are available for your reference at Cut-off BITSAT Scores. For Cutoffs over the years you can refer my other Blog Post : BITSAT 2018Set your Targets

So it is very important to have an exam taking strategy after a very sound preparation for this exam.

There will be 150 questions in all and the exam is for 3 hour duration (180 Minutes). Mock tests at home have to be attempted in 150 Minutes. This will give you speed in the actual exam as well. At the same time you need to be accurate. The 30 minutes cushion, can be used to go over the questions you have attempted and check if there are any obvious mistakes. With a +3 and -1 marking scheme, one needs to get 100 questions right without any mistakes, for a score of 300. Another 10 to 15 questions will take you to 325+ range which is safe for any branch of engineering in any BITS.

There are 4 parts in the exam. Part I – Physics; Part II – Chemistry; Part III – English and Logical Reasoning and Part IV – Maths or Biology (for Pharma admissions).

So, while attempting the mock tests at home create a strategy for the sequence you want to follow to answer the 4 parts. Stick to the same strategy in the exam as well.

For someone who is well prepared and are also fast in the exam, there is a possibility to go to the so called bonus round (12 extra questions). The only catch here is, one needs to attempt all 150 questions, before going to bonus round. Also, after going to this round one cannot come back to the 150 questions.

So, in the actual exam, if you are sure that you got 130 to 135 questions right and do not know some 15 to 20 questions, you may want to guess the answers smartly (a calculated Risk!) for these questions and move to the bonus round of extra 12 questions. If you have answered only 100 to 120 questions and not sure of how many are right, then do not attempt to go to bonus round.

For this, one needs to decide whether to go for bonus round or not, with at least 20 min in your hand before the end of the exam. In the 20 minutes time, out of 12 questions one can easily answer all of them. There is also a high probability that all of them could be right also!! Do not worry of how is this possible? One reason this is possible is because of your sound preparation! For all those who have seriously and thoroughly prepared, and BITSAT is your primary choice, Going to the bonus round should definitely be part of your Exam taking strategy if you want a score of 360+.